Πίνακας περιεχομένων:
- Science and theology in the Enlightenment / John Hedley Brooke
- Dispelling some myths about the split between theology and science in the nineteenth century / Claude Welch
- The quest for harmony: an interpretation of contemporary theology and science / Wesley J. Wildman
- Science, religion, and the future / Holmes Rolston, III
- Theology and science: listening to each other / Nicholas Wolterstorff
- Postmodern apologetics, or Why theologians must pay attention to science / Nancey Murphy
- Mathematics, empirical science, and religion / Mary Gerhart and Allan Melvin Russell
- Rationality and Christian self-conceptions / Philip Clayton and Steven Knapp
- Entitled Christian belief / Nicholas Wolterstorff
- On the nature of theology / Nancey Murphy
- Is holistic justification enough? / Philip Clayton and Steven Knapp
- Key developments in physics challenging philosophy and theology / William R. Stoeger
- T=0: is it theologically significant? / Robert John Russell
- Deterministic chaos and quantum chaology / Karl Young
- Chaos theory and divine action / John Polkinghorne
- Complementarity / Edward MacKinnon
- Barth, Bohr, and dialectic / James E. Loder and W. Jim Neidhardt
- Quantum complementarity and Christological dialectic / Christopher B. Kaiser
- Information theory, biology, and Christology / John C. Puddefoot
- The incarnation of the informing self-expressive word of God / Arthur Peacocke
- The molecular biology of transcending the gene / R. David Cole
- The theology of human agency and the neurobiology of learning / W. Mark Richardson
- Morality, religion, and human evolution / William Irons
- Theological perspectives on morality and human evolution / Philip Hefner
- Reflections on the dialogue / Philip Hefner and William Irons