Table of Contents:
  • Reading performance criticism / Simon Goldhill - Presentation of character in Aeschylus / P.E. Easterling - The imagery of The Persians / Michael Anderson - Dramatic structure in the Persae and Prometheus of Aeschylus / S. Ireland - The theodicy of Aeschylus : justice and tyranny in the Oresteia / David Cohen - Character in Sophocles / P.E. Easterling - The background to Polyneices' disinterment and reburial / John Whitehorne - A misunderstood scene in Sophokles, Oidipous (O.T. 300-462) / David Bain - Bow, oracle, and epiphany in Sophocles' Philoctetes / Christopher Gill - The Phusis of Neoptolemus in Sophocles' Philoctetes / Mary Whitlock Blundell - Heracles and Greek tragedy / M.S. Silk - Euripides and the unexpected / W. Geoffrey Arnott - Formal debates in Euripides' drama / C. Collard - Euripides' Alcestis / Michael Lloyd - Domestic disharmony in Euripides' Andromache / Ian C. Storey - Structure and dramatic realism in Euripides' Heracles / Shirley A. Barlow - Double the vision : a reading of Euripides' Electra / W. Geoffrey Arnott.