Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing 5th International Conference, CICLing 2004 Seoul, Korea, February 15-21, 2004 Proceedings /

CICLing 2004 was the 5th Annual Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics; see CICLing conferences are intended to provide a balanced view of the cutting-edge developments in both theoretical foundations of computational linguistics and the practice of...

Πλήρης περιγραφή

Λεπτομέρειες βιβλιογραφικής εγγραφής
Συγγραφή απο Οργανισμό/Αρχή: SpringerLink (Online service)
Άλλοι συγγραφείς: Gelbukh, Alexander (Επιμελητής έκδοσης)
Μορφή: Ηλεκτρονική πηγή Ηλ. βιβλίο
Έκδοση: Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004.
Σειρά:Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2945
Διαθέσιμο Online:Full Text via HEAL-Link
Πίνακας περιεχομένων:
  • Computational Linguistics
  • Towards an LFG Syntax-Semantics Interface for Frame Semantics Annotation
  • Projections from Morphology to Syntax in the Korean Resource Grammar: Implementing Typed Feature Structures
  • A Systemic-Functional Approach to Japanese Text Understanding
  • Building and Using a Russian Resource Grammar in GF
  • An Application of a Semantic Framework for the Analysis of Chinese Sentences
  • A Modal Logic Framework for Human-Computer Spoken Interaction
  • Agents Interpreting Imperative Sentences
  • Intention Retrieval with a Socially-Supported Belief System
  • Extracting Domain Knowledge for Dialogue Model Adaptation
  • A Probabilistic Chart Parser Implemented with an Evolutionary Algorithm
  • Probabilistic Shift-Reduce Parsing Model Using Rich Contextual Information
  • Evaluation of Feature Combination for Effective Structural Disambiguation
  • Parsing Incomplete Sentences Revisited
  • Unlexicalized Dependency Parser for Variable Word Order Languages Based on Local Contextual Pattern
  • A Cascaded Syntactic Analyser for Basque
  • An Analysis of Sentence Boundary Detection Systems for English and Portuguese Documents
  • Towards Language-Independent Sentence Boundary Detection
  • Korean Compound Noun Decomposition Using Syllabic Information Only
  • Learning Named Entity Classifiers Using Support Vector Machines
  • An Internet-Based Method for Verification of Extracted Proper Names
  • Boundary Correction of Protein Names Adapting Heuristic Rules
  • Word Sense Disambiguation Based on Weight Distribution Model with Multiword Expression
  • Combining EWN and Sense-Untagged Corpus for WSD
  • Feature Selection for Chinese Character Sense Discrimination
  • The Role of Temporal Expressions in Word Sense Disambiguation
  • An Empirical Study on Pronoun Resolution in Chinese
  • Language-Independent Methods for Compiling Monolingual Lexical Data
  • Getting One’s First Million ...Collocations
  • Automatic Syntactic Analysis for Detection of Word Combinations
  • A Small System Storing Spanish Collocations
  • A Semi-automatic Tree Annotating Workbench for Building a Korean Treebank
  • Extracting Semantic Categories of Nouns for Syntactic Disambiguation from Human-Oriented Explanatory Dictionaries
  • Hierarchies Measuring Qualitative Variables
  • Substring Alignment Using Suffix Trees
  • Exploiting Hidden Meanings: Using Bilingual Text for Monolingual Annotation
  • Acquisition of Word Translations Using Local Focus-Based Learning in Ainu-Japanese Parallel Corpora
  • Sentence Alignment for Spanish-Basque Bitexts: Word Correspondences vs. Markup Similarity
  • Two-Level Alignment by Words and Phrases Based on Syntactic Information
  • Exploiting a Mono-bilingual Dictionary for English-Korean Translation Selection and Sense Disambiguation
  • Source Language Effect on Translating Korean Honorifics
  • An Algorithm for Determining DingYu Structural Particle Using Grammar Knowledge and Statistical Information
  • Generating Natural Word Orders in a Semi–free Word Order Language: Treebank-Based Linearization Preferences for German
  • Guideline for Developing a Software Life Cycle Process in Natural Language Generation Projects
  • A Plug and Play Spoken Dialogue Interface for Smart Environments
  • Evaluation of Japanese Dialogue Processing Method Based on Similarity Measure Using tf· AoI
  • Towards Programming in Everyday Language: A Case for Email Management
  • Specifying Affect and Emotion for Expressive Speech Synthesis
  • Overcoming the Sparseness Problem of Spoken Language Corpora Using Other Large Corpora of Distinct Characteristics
  • A Syllabification Algorithm for Spanish
  • Experiments on the Construction of a Phonetically Balanced Corpus from the Web
  • Intelligent Text Processing
  • Head/Modifier Frames for Information Retrieval
  • Performance Analysis of Semantic Indexing in Text Retrieval
  • A Model for Extracting Keywords of Document Using Term Frequency and Distribution
  • A Combining Approach to Automatic Keyphrases Indexing for Chinese News Documents
  • Challenges in the Interaction of Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing
  • The Challenge of Creative Information Retrieval
  • Using T-Ret System to Improve Incident Report Retrieval
  • Spanish Question Answering Evaluation
  • Comparative Analysis of Term Distributions in a Sentence and in a Document for Sentence Retrieval
  • Contextual Exploration of Text Collections
  • Automatic Classification and Skimming of Articles in a News Video Using Korean Closed-Caption
  • A Framework for Evaluation of Information Filtering Techniques in an Adaptive Recommender System
  • Lexical Chains versus Keywords for Topic Tracking
  • Filtering Very Similar Text Documents: A Case Study
  • Using Information Extraction to Build a Directory of Conference Announcements
  • Unsupervised Event Extraction from Biomedical Text Based on Event and Pattern Information
  • Thai Syllable-Based Information Extraction Using Hidden Markov Models
  • The Impact of Enriched Linguistic Annotation on the Performance of Extracting Relation Triples
  • An kNN Model-Based Approach and Its Application in Text Categorization
  • Automatic Learning Features Using Bootstrapping for Text Categorization
  • Recomputation of Class Relevance Scores for Improving Text Classification
  • Raising High-Degree Overlapped Character Bigrams into Trigrams for Dimensionality Reduction in Chinese Text Categorization
  • Information Retrieval and Text Categorization with Semantic Indexing
  • Sampling and Feature Selection in a Genetic Algorithm for Document Clustering
  • A New Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Organizing Dynamic Data Collection
  • Domain-Informed Topic Detection
  • Assessing the Impact of Lexical Chain Scoring Methods and Sentence Extraction Schemes on Summarization
  • A Term Weighting Method Based on Lexical Chain for Automatic Summarization
  • Centroid-Based Language Identification Using Letter Feature Set.