Περίληψη: | This dissertation aims to document the changes in employment rates in Greece
during the period 1987-2020. Using data from the Labor Force Survey we found
that the employment to population ratio in 2020 has been reduced by 4.5% compared
to 1987. The reduction was higher for men, compared to the reduction for
women. In an attempt to identify the contributing factors of this reduction we apply
a decomposition analysis which relies on the effect of the observed changes in
population shares and in employment rates for specific age and educational groups.
The analysis has been conducted for the total economy and for men and women,
separately. We found that the within-age-group declines in employment among
young and prime-age adults seems to be the most critical factor in explaining the
employment decline. In order to provide possible explanations for these findings
we review the relevant literature regarding the developments towards the minimum
wages, collective bargaining, demographic change, immigration, and educational