Περίληψη: | Currently, smart grids are an essential component of infrastructure because nearly every aspect of modern life requires power. Failures and blackouts can be disastrous occurrences that cause severe suffering or even risk of death. The growing complexity of grids brought on by the introduction of generators with more variable power production, such as wind and solar, and the increased frequency of extreme weather events damaging grid components are the two main reasons why power outages have recently become more frequent. As a result, electricity grid reliability is a rising issue [1].
This diploma thesis monitors the smart grid so as to capture transient phenomena. For this reason, it uses the proposed algorithm in [2] (this paper will be used as guidance for this research) and tries to implement it in Hardware, by using High-Level Synthesis. Moreover, it takes PMU data and classifies events into unexpected real power events and automated power system controls. The proposed algorithm is presented in Section 2 and Matlab is used to check the results. The Hardware approach is presented in Section 3 along with Zynq 7000 board's small description. A register transfer level (RTL) implementation for C code that may be synthesized into a Field Programmable Gate array (FPGA) is described using the HLS process. The proposed algorithm in Hardware implementation is shown in Section 5 along with all necessary results. Directives in HLS are used in order to achieve better results in terms of time, power, and Hardware resources on FPGA. Two transmission lines, a single-ended and the IEEE-6 Bus line have been developed using Matlab Simulink in order to acquire PMU data and check the effectiveness of the algorithm (Section 6). In subsection 6.6 there is a comparison between implementations in Matlab, in C, and in the FPGA.