
In 1869, Dutch military doctor Cornelis de Mooy invented the litter, ‘raderbaar’, a stretcher on wheels. It was a major improvement in several ways compared with the old brancards. It was comfortable for patients and only one hospital soldier was needed to move the wounded. Starting with the Aceh Wa...

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Έκδοση: Amsterdam University Press 2024
Περίληψη:In 1869, Dutch military doctor Cornelis de Mooy invented the litter, ‘raderbaar’, a stretcher on wheels. It was a major improvement in several ways compared with the old brancards. It was comfortable for patients and only one hospital soldier was needed to move the wounded. Starting with the Aceh Wars (1873-1910), it became a huge medical success in the military as well as the civilian world. It was gradually replaced around the 1920s. The litter – and some other inventions he made – hugely reduced the wounded soldiers’ suffering and because of this De Mooy was praised by many as a great humanitarian, but in fact it was military efficiency that drove him. A better, swifter and less strenuous way of transporting the wounded was a means of improving military capabilities.