Molecular design and modeling. concepts and applications / Volume 202, Part A :

Computer-based design and modeling, computational approaches, and instrumental methods for elucidating molecular mechanisms of protein folding and ligand-acceptor interactions are included in Volumes 202 and 203, as are genetic and chemical methods for the production of functional molecules includin...

Πλήρης περιγραφή

Λεπτομέρειες βιβλιογραφικής εγγραφής
Άλλοι συγγραφείς: Langone, John J. (John Joseph), 1944-
Μορφή: Ηλ. βιβλίο
Έκδοση: San Diego : Academic Press, Ã1991-
Σειρά:Methods in enzymology ; volume 202.
Διαθέσιμο Online:Full Text via HEAL-Link

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