Electronic and optical properties of semiconductor nanostructures

The goal of this Thesis is to study the electronic and optical properties of semiconductor nanostructures by employing different theories. The work present in this Thesis is divided into three parts. Part I is devoted to the effective-mass theory and its several applications. A general descriptio...

Πλήρης περιγραφή

Λεπτομέρειες βιβλιογραφικής εγγραφής
Κύριος συγγραφέας: Zeng, Zaiping
Άλλοι συγγραφείς: Μπασκούτας, Σωτήριος
Μορφή: Thesis
Έκδοση: 2015
Διαθέσιμο Online:http://hdl.handle.net/10889/8431